Image 300 of 380 Paris, Maine, Family records of births and deaths ca1757- 1871

Paris April 1 day AD 1833
To Simeon Walton Town Clerk of Paris
an account of those persons who have been joined in
Marriage by the Subscriber from April the first day
AD 1832 to April first day 1833
Timothy Ford and Eunice Cushman both of Paris
Asa Woodbury and Tassy Tuttle both of Paris
Cornelius B Morton Dixfield and Adaline Partridge of Paris
Soranney Shaw and Elisa E Jackson both of Paris
Job Holmes and Vesta Hamlin both of Paris
Liberty Hall of Andover and Abigail Partridge of Paris

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Levi F Drake and Hannah Fobes both of Paris
Lemuel Mariner and Permela Drake both of Oxford
Amos H Doe of Hebron and Mary Ann Pond of Paris
were married March the 26th AD 1833     James Hooper
     Recorded by Simeon Walton   Town Clerk

Source: Town Clerk of Paris, Maine, Family records of births and deaths ca. 1757- 1871, p. 4, image 300 of 380. FGS Film #858544, DGS #8131220.