Situated within the current bounds of Bellingham, Massachusetts, in the northern part of that locality, was for one-and-a-half centuries an area called Partridgetown. This land was purchased for £240 in 1720 by Eleazer Partridge and comprised of several different parcels of different tracts previously purchased by Samuel Rich, along with all buildings upon it. After purchasing the land, Eleazer moved from Medfield with his family and settled upon the 215 acres of land.
Eleazer was 56 when he purchased the property. His family was quite large, he having been married twice and having nine children alive in 1720 ranging from Eleazer Jr. age of 27 to Zachariah, who was only a few months of age.
At the time he purchased the land, Eleazer was referenced as a husbandman, which was a term used in the 1700s to reference a small farmer. After the purchase of this large parcel of land he began to be referenced as yeoman in the records.
Rich to Partridge
To all People to whom there Presents Shall Come, Samuel Rich of Bellingham in the County of Suffolk in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, House Carpenter. Sendeth Greeting. Know ye, That for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Pounds Currant money of New England to me in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing hereof, by Eleazer Partridge of Medfield in the County aforesaid Husbandman. The Receipt whereof to full Content and Satisfaction, Have given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Conveyed and Confirmed, and by these Presents Do full freely and absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Aliene Convey and Confirm unto him the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns forever One Hundred and Two Acres of Land and Meadow in the Township of Bellingham, aforesaid Situate in that part of said Town, heretofore known by the Name of Mr. Rawson’s Farm. Sixty One acres and Two Thirds of an Acre being One third part of One quarter part of that part of Said Farm Commonly known by the name of the Seven Hundred and Forty acres, in Quantity and Quality. More Thirty Seven acres by Estimation that I heretofore Purchased of Joseph Holbrook Situate on the Northerly end of said Seven Hundred and Forty Acres. More Three Acres and One third of an Acre of meadow by Estimation, Situate on the Westerly Side of Charles River in that part of said Farm known by the Name of the Eight Hundred Acres. all the above recited Peices or Parcels of Land and meadow the granter Purchased in Partnership with John Marsh of said Bellingham as by the grantors Deed of Conveyances to him may more fully appear, as it hath been already in the Sundry parts and parcels thereof Divided between the said Marsh and the grantor, or shall hereafter be Divided between the grantee, and the aforesaid John Marsh, according to the grantors Purchases, as by the deeds of Sale from John Marsh, Thomas Sanford and Joseph Holbrook to him may fully Appear Together with my now Dwelling house and Barn with all the Fences, Edifices and other Buildings on said Lands. Erected to Have and to Hold all the above granted Premises with all the Appurtenances Priviledges and Commodities to the same belonging or in any kind appertaining unto him the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns forever, to his and their own proper Use Benefit and Behoof forever, And I the said Samuel Rich for me my Heirs Executors Administrators do Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns forever. That before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and lawful owner of all the above bargained Premises and am Lawfully Levied and Possessed thereof in my own proper right of a good Sure and Absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple. Having in my Self full power good right and lawful Authority to Grant Sell and Convey the same in manner and form aforesaid And that the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns forever, Shall and may by force and virtue of there Presents henceforth forever hereafter Lawfully peaceably and quietly Have Hold Use Occupy Possess and Enjoy the said ____?____ Premises, free and clear and clearly acquitted Exonerated and fully Discharged of and from all and all manner of other and former gifts grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Joyntrises? Dowers Thirds and power of Thirds, Judgements Executions Extents and Incumbrances whatsoever. Furthermore of the said Samuel Rich For my Self my Heirs Executors and Administrators Do hereby Covenant and Engage the said ____?____ Premises unto him the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns. Against all the Lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons, whatsoever forever hereafter to Warrant Secure and Defend: and Elizabeth Rich the Wife of me the said Samuel Rich doth hereby freely willing Resign up unto the said Eleazer Partridge his Heirs and Assigns forever. All her right of Dower and power of Thirds in and unto the Premises. In witness whereof the said Samuel Rich and Elizabeth his wife here unto set their Hand and Seal, the Twenty first Day of December Anno Domini 1720 – Samuel Rich and a Seal. Elizabeth Rich and a Seal – Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us, Ebenezer Mason, Thomas Sanford – Suffolk fc. Mendon November. 14. 1721. Samuel Rich and Elizabeth his Wife on the other Side named Personally Appearing Acknowledged the within written Instrument to be their free Act and Deed. Before me Josiah Chapin Justice of Peace – October. 8. 1740. Received and Accordingly Entred and Examined.
Samuel Gerrish Regr

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