The Partridge Genealogy - page 14


appears in the assessors’ book for that year as a tax payer. [1]Letter, dated Jan. 31, 1902, from Leonard B. Chapman, Portland, Me.


i. Nathan, 5 b. Aug. 3, 1738; d. in Westbrook, Me., 1786; settled in Falmouth, Me., 1761; in Revolutionary service, 1775-1780; m. Jan. 1, 1781, Anne, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Peabody) Conant, of Falmouth. They resided in Saccarappa (now Westbrook), Me. Children:

1. Nancy, 6 b. Aug, 27, 1781; d. Sept. 17, 1873; m. Feb. 21, 1802, Josiah, b. Windham, Me., Mch. 31, 1773, d. Casco, Me., Jan. 3, 1834, son of William and Mary (Westcott) Maxfield; resided in Casco, Me.; nine children.
2. Catharine, b. July 18, 1783; d. Jan. 10, 1861; m. 1803, Daniel Dole, b. Newbury, Mass., Aug. 26, 1757, d. Stroudwater, Me., Feb. 23, 1815; resided in Stroudwater; five children.
3. Joseph, b. Apr. 13, 1785; d. Sept. 27, 1856; m. Apr. 13, 1808, Lydia Quinby, b. Somersworth, N. H., Mch. 15, 1787; resided in Westbrook, Me. Twelve children.

ii. Bathsheba, b. Aug. 19, 1740; m. (pub. Gorham, Oct. 16, 1761) Uriah, son of Richard Nason of Gorham, Me., who d. May 13, 1833, aged 91. They resided in Gorham and Poland, Me. Several children.
iii. Jesse, b. Aug. 29,1742; d. Dec 21,1795. He was engaged in trading at Falmouth, Me., and owned considerable real estate. He was in Revolutionary service, and commissioned captain, Apr. 9, 1778 [2]Mass. Archives. He m. (1) Lydia, dau. of John and Jane (Brady) Bailey, of Falmouth. [3]L. B. Chapman, in Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d series, vol. x., p. 298; also confirmed by Jesse’s grandniece, Miss Emma Partridge, of Portland, Me. She apparently d. before him, for his widow, Rebecca Partridge, received a third of his real estate [4]Cumberland Co. Deeds. The widow Rebecca m. later Andrew Titcomb. No children by either wife.
iv. Catharine, b. Aug. 26, 1744; d. Mch. 24, 1832; m. 1766, Timothy, b. Presumscot Lower Falls, Me., 1737, d. Oct. 22, 1829, son of Edward and Sarah (Collins) Cloudman. They resided in Gorham, Me. Eleven children.
v. David, b. Jan. 26, 1747; settled at Falmouth, Me., where he m. Mary, b. there, May, 1749, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Peabody) Conant. He was in Revolutionary service, and was for a short time held prisoner by the British [5]Mass. Archives. He resided at Saccarappa (Falmouth), now Westbrook, Me., until about 1790, when he removed to Thompson’s Pond (now West Poland), Me., where he d. Mch. 22, 1834. His widow d. there, Apr. 29, 1847. [6]Poole’s Hist. Poland, Me. His children were:

1. David, 6 b. 1773; d. Dec 3, 1858; m. Rebecca, b. 1774, d. June 25, 1851, dau. of John Wooster; resided in W. Poland, Me.; nine children.
2. Polly, m. Bartlett; resided in Gorham, Me.
3. Daniel, d. young.
4. Eunice, m. William Pride; resided in Westbrook.
5. Samuel, m. Thankful Baker; resided in Poland; nine children.
6. Catharine, b. Jan. 4, 1791; d. May 1, 1887; m. Mch., 1822, George, b. at Gorham, Nov. 14, 1779, d. at W. Poland, Oct. 29, 1868, son of Moses Hanscomb; resided in W. Poland; one son.
7. Nathan, b. Feb. 15, 1793; d. Mch. 3Q, 1850; m. Mch. 17, 1822, Nancy Pitcher, b. Andover, Mass., Oct. 3, 1799, d. Apr. 6, 1887; resided in Boston; seven children.
vi. Jotham, bapt. July 27, 1750; settled at Falmouth, Me. He was in the Revolution [7]Mass. Archives. He m. a dau. of John and Jane (Brady) Bailey, of Falmouth. [8]Statement of his grand niece, Miss Emma Partridge, of Portland, Me. They resided in Westbrook. He conveyed property to his son Jotham 5 Jr., Oct. 22, 1800 [9]Cumberland Co. Deeds, vol. xxxv., p. 13. He probably also had a son Nathaniel.

vii. Azuba, bapt. Dec. 18, 1752; m. Joseph Quinby of Falmouth, Me, where they lived. Me d. between Apr. 9, 1798, and Jan. 3, 1800.
viii. Rosina, m. Nathan Quinby of Falmouth, where they resided.


1 Letter, dated Jan. 31, 1902, from Leonard B. Chapman, Portland, Me
2 Mass. Archives
3 L. B. Chapman, in Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d series, vol. x., p. 298; also confirmed by Jesse’s grandniece, Miss Emma Partridge, of Portland, Me.
4 Cumberland Co. Deeds
5 Mass. Archives
6 Poole’s Hist. Poland, Me.
7 Mass. Archives
8 Statement of his grand niece, Miss Emma Partridge, of Portland, Me.
9 Cumberland Co. Deeds, vol. xxxv., p. 13